30 Red Rose Heart Shape Bouquet
BHD 45.00030 Garden Fresh Red Roses arranged in Heart Shape express true love and affection. Bouquet arranged with fresh flower and decorated with greenery which showcase the freshness.
Fresh Flowers
30 Red Roses Arrangement
BHD 40.00030 Red Roses Arrangement, Red and its green leafs fulfills joy and anxiety in heart.
Fresh Flowers
6 Garden Fresh Roses with Greenery in Vase
BHD 17.0006 Garden Fresh Roses with Greenery Decorated in a Vase with Aspidistra Leaf.
60 Pink and Red Roses Banquet
BHD 65.00060 Pink and Red Roses Circular shape Banquet fulfills your heart and make the occasion more memorable.
60 Red Rose Arrangement
BHD 68.00060 Garden Fresh Red Roses arranged and decorated with Greenery fits for special occasions.
8 Red Rose Bouquet
BHD 18.0008 Red Rose Bouquet to express your love and care, gift a simple and lovely gift on special occasions like Valentines Day.
Indoor plants
Areca Palm
BHD 60.000150 CM Areca Palm, Mature palms have ringed cane-like trunks which has similar characteristics to the Bamboo Palm. The Areca Palm is also often called Golden Cane Palm because of the yellow colored petioles. Growth Rate: Moderate. The Areca Palm is a moderate grower that can get up to 20ft tall.
Fresh Flowers
Assorted Garden Fresh Flower Hand Banquet
BHD 40.000Assorted Garden Fresh Flower Hand banquet arrangement includes Lillie, Baby loves and other decorators.
Birthday Special
Birthday Special
Assorted Nuts with 12 Red Rose Bouquet
BHD 35.000Special combo is here to surprise your loved one with Healthy and nutritious assorted nuts box 1KG and Garden Fresh Red Rose flower Bouquet.
Birthday Special
Baklawa with Assorted Nuts Box Combo
BHD 30.000Special combo is here to surprise your loved one with Sweet and tasty Baklawa sweet 1KG with Healthy and nutritious assorted nuts box 1KG.
Fresh Flowers
Banquet of 12 Red Roses with Star Gazer
BHD 25.000Banquet of 12 Red Roses with Star Gazer covered with love and freshness