30 Red Rose Heart Shape Bouquet
BHD 45.00030 Garden Fresh Red Roses arranged in Heart Shape express true love and affection. Bouquet arranged with fresh flower and decorated with greenery which showcase the freshness.
Birthday Special
Assorted Nuts with 12 Red Rose Bouquet
BHD 35.000Special combo is here to surprise your loved one with Healthy and nutritious assorted nuts box 1KG and Garden Fresh Red Rose flower Bouquet.
Cake, Bouquet and Teddy a Perfect Gifting Combo
BHD 40.000A Perfect gifting option to your loved one with the combination of Cute white teddy along with Bouquet of garden fresh red roses with sweet and delicious chocolate cake.
Elegant 12 Red Rose Bouquet
BHD 23.000Make the day memorable by gifting Elegant Bouquet arranged with 12 Garden Fresh Red Roses Rounded with Beautiful Wrapping Paper best suites for the Gift.
Birthday Special
Pink Rose Bouquet with Chocolate Combo
BHD 30.000Bouquet with 12 Garden fresh pink roses wrapped with love to gift your loved ones. This gift is colorful as well as sweet with the combination of Delicious chocolates. Gift it today.
Pink Rose Bouquet with Lovely Pink Teddy
BHD 25.000Combination of Garden fresh roses with lovely teddy makes the day memorable.
Birthday Special
Red Velvet Cake and 8 Rose Bouquet Combo
BHD 35.000Special Combo offer from Bahrain Flowers, Order 1 KG Heart Shape Red Velvet Cake along with 2 Garden Fresh Red Roses to your Loved ones. Make your day memorable.