Birthday Special
Red Rose Bouquet
BHD 60.000Red and Beautiful collection of Red Roses which will attract your presence. Gift your love through Red Roses.
Birthday Special
Red Roses Bouquet
BHD 20.000Red Roses Love Bouquet with dozen Garden Fresh Roses.
Birthday Special
Red Roses Bouquet with Chocolate
BHD 40.000Special Gift with lovely Roses and Sweet Chocolates, A bouquet filled with Lovely Garden Fresh Roses centered with Golden colored Wrapper Chocolates.
Birthday Special
Simple and Elegant Rose Bouquet
BHD 30.000Fresh and Green Decorated Red Rose bouquet to Express love and affection towards your Loved one.
Tulip Fashion Arranged in Glass Vase
BHD 30.000White and Red Beautiful Tulips arranged in a glass vase with lovely and Colorful Pipes, Dry Flowers, Red Ribbon and other decorators.
Fresh Flowers
White Lily Vase
BHD 35.000Just as other flowers have a distinct symbolic meaning or associated emotions, so does the calla lily. With its ivory white petals and lush green leaves, this elegant bloom is more than just something pretty to place in a vase.
Fresh Flowers
Yellow Hand Bouquet
BHD 15.000Cute and Shiny Yellow Hand Bouquet to Gift and Wish someone special.
Fresh Flowers
Yellow Lily Hand Bouquet
BHD 25.000A long-standing tradition throughout Europe, the hand-tied bouquet is a floral arrangement made without any container, but that is constructed in a way in which it holds together perfectly and can be handled and maintained easily by both giver and receiver.