Pink Lilies and Roses Arrangement in Vase
BHD 35.000Pink Lilies and Roses Arrangement in a Vase with Pink Carnation and Fillers.
Birthday Special
Pink Rose Bouquet with Chocolate Combo
BHD 30.000Bouquet with 12 Garden fresh pink roses wrapped with love to gift your loved ones. This gift is colorful as well as sweet with the combination of Delicious chocolates. Gift it today.
Pink Roses Bamboo Basket Arrangement
BHD 22.00015 Pink Roses Bamboo Basket Arrangement with greenery and other decorators.
Birthday Special
Red Velvet Cake and 8 Rose Bouquet Combo
BHD 35.000Special Combo offer from Bahrain Flowers, Order 1 KG Heart Shape Red Velvet Cake along with 2 Garden Fresh Red Roses to your Loved ones. Make your day memorable.
Birthday Special
Roses with Teddy Symbol of Love
BHD 40.000Exclusive Gift for Valentine as a Symbol of Love . Garden Fresh 12 Red Roses arranged in a glass vase surrounded with hugging cute teddy.